
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Ji Soo's agency accused of not paying compensation money to the production team of 'River Where The Moon Rises'

Victory Content as the production team for the drama 'River Where the Moon Rises' which was also affected by the bullying case carried out by the main actor, Ji Soo claimed that he did not receive compensation money from the actor's agency.

The problems experienced between the production team for the drama "River Where the Moon Rises" ("RWTMR") and the previous actor, Kim Ji Soo, are apparently not completely resolved. In fact, not long after the accusation of bullying made by Ji Soo against his school friends surfaced to the public, this one actor admitted his mistake and at the same time withdrew from the drama he starred in.

This case of Ji Soo's bullying came to light when he was at the peak of his career. As a result, a number of drama and commercial projects starring Ji Soo were forced to change his figure because he didn't want to be involved in negative influences. Like what KBS TV's "RWTMR" production team did, which immediately changed the role of Ji Soo to Na In Woo.

The result of Ji Soo's leaving in this drama caused a lot of losses for the drama production team "RWTMR" in terms of time and finances. The production company Victory Contents who worked on the drama said that Ji Soo's agency KeyEast Entertainment did not pay any compensation.

As is known, Victory Content filed a 3 billion won compensation suit against KeyEast to the Seoul central district court last April. On Wednesday (26/5), Victory Content revealed the progress of the lawsuit.

"On May 20, the first adjustment for the damages claim we filed against KeyEast in the Seoul central district court. However, KeyEast only sent legal representatives to the company. No agency staff were present, and they exhibited a different behavior from media reports that they would be actively pay compensation for losses, "said Victory Content. His party then shared a long statement from PD Yoon Sang Ho as producer and director of "RWTMR".

“In 2020, a management company KeyEast that Kim Jisoo works with have expressed their intention to actively star in the drama and with this in mind, we chose Kim Jisoo. Since the drama was broadcast until episode 5, I have known that Kim's alleged school violence. Jisoo has been busy on the internet, "said PD Yoon Sang Ho.

"At that time, the drama production was 80% complete and it only took one last shot. The departure of the lead actor from an ongoing drama was a huge threat to the drama production. I felt like I was on the brink when I had to take responsibility for the drama, and I I still have nightmares at the time of production due to the tremendous mental illness even now that the drama is over, "continued PD Yoon Sang Ho, recounting his suffering.

"KeyEast is one of the leading drama producers in Korea, so they know this better than anyone. However, KeyEast has shown no intention of actively taking responsibility for the loss. It is difficult to understand that we will put forward that position," said PD. Yoon Sang Ho.

"It's like considering reasonable compensation if we bring evidence of the harm we've suffered. KeyEast should make a real apology once again to Victory Content and other drama officials, not through the media. And I think they deserve to be held responsible for the damages they suffered. happened, "said PD Yoon Sang Ho through his official statement.

Meanwhile, there has been no further response regarding this matter from KeyEast Entertainment. The public hopes that this case will be resolved soon and return to peace in a good way even though it causes many problems. /Kanal247.com


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