
Monday, April 20, 2020

Solar MAMAMOO Choreography Song 'Spit It Out' on the MV Solo Teaser

Solar MAMAMOO provides choreography footage for his latest song.

After previously releasing many teasers, in the early hours of Monday (20/04) Solar uploaded a teaser for the music video 'Spit It Out'.

Through this 32-second teaser video, we can see the appearance of Solar while dancing the choreography of the song 'Spit It Out' with the dancers.

Wearing uniforms, Solar and the dancers were seen dancing the choreography of the song 'Spit It Out' so compactly and elegantly.

The music video and solo mini album 'Spit It Out' is planned to be released by Solar on April 23, 2020 at 18:00 KST, only a matter of days from now. (www.kpopchart.net)


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