
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Celebrate the Second Debut Anniversary, (G) I-DLE Thank Fans to Fans

Not feel the girl group (G) I-DLE has now set their age the second year since debut.

To coincide with the celebration of their second anniversary debut on Saturday (02/05), members (G) I-DLE performed the song 'Luv U' on the 'Music Core' program as a present for their fans.

After displaying the song, through their Twitter account (G) I-DLE wrote, "With the cloak and stick Never, (G) I-DLE turned into witch children! This is spesial Luv U ’special performance to celebrate the anniversary of its debut debut! We only give happiness magic to Neverland. "

On the same day, member (G) I-DLE also held a live broadcast on YouTube and talked about many things with his fans. They also celebrated with a birthday cake and shared their feelings after being together for two years.

In addition to hosting a live broadcast on YouTube, several (G) I-DLE members also uploaded the latest photos on Instagram and gave their thanks to the fans.

Happy second birthday (G) I-DLE! (www.kpopchart.net)

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[#우기] 2년 동안 너무 많은 사랑을 주신 울 네버랜드❤️ 정말 “사랑해” 이말 밖에는 생각 안나요❤️ 정말 힘들때도 여러분 덕분에 잘 버텨왔어요❤️ 사랑해 진심으로❤️ 우리 아직 셀 수 없는 주년들이 남았어요❤️ 항상 기억해줘요❤️ 사랑하고 고마워요❤️ 평생 가자 내 사랑들❤️ - Dear our neverland❤️ Thanks for giving us ur love for the past 2years❤️ There’s a lot I wanna say to u guys.. but I just can’t think of anything other than “I love u”❤️ I’ve had so many ups and downs❤️ But I think I really got through all the difficulties well because of ur company. Really really love u all❤️ We still have so many more anniversaries to celebrate together❤️ Whatever happens, just remember. Im always here with you all❤️ It’s my honor to have u my dear neverland❤️ - 我最爱的neverland这两年给予我们太多的爱❤️ 想说太多的话 但是脑海里只有“我爱你”这三个字❤️ 这两年来 不论有多累多难 都是因为有你们的陪伴 我们才走到今天❤️ 真的很爱你们❤️ 我们还有很多的周年要过呢❤️ 不论什么时候 都要记住 我真的很爱你们 很感谢你们❤️ 一辈子吧❤️
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