
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Not Just About Romance, These 3 Moments of Friendship In 'So I Married An Anti-Fan' Make Viewers Stunned

In addition to presenting an interesting love story from SNSD's Sooyoung and Choi Tae Joon, 'So I Married An Anti-Fan' is also interspersed with meaningful moments of friendship. Like what?

Not Just About Romance, These 3 Moments of Friendship In 'So I Married An Anti-Fan' Make Viewers Stunned

The drama "So I Married An Anti-Fan" managed to attract viewers' attention with the love story between top idols and their haters. The reason is, this drama presents many romantic moments from Girls' Generation's Sooyoung and Choi Tae Joon characters that can make anyone feel carried away (baper).

However, the interesting side of "So I Married An Anti-Fan" is not only about romance. Because there are a number of moments of friendship between Lee Geun Young (Sooyoung), Go Soo Hwan (Kim Min Kyu) and Shin Mi Jung (Kim Ha Kyung) that successfully stunned viewers. What are they? Check out the following reviews:

1. Shin Mi Jung always gives meaningful advice to Lee Geun Young

At the beginning of the episode, Lee Geun Young was shocked when she found out that her boyfriend was gay. He then visits Shin Mi Jung's house to vent her frustration.

Lee Geun Young even tried to throw the bag and expensive dress she wore for a date out the window. Witnessing this, Shin Mi Jung commented, "Think realistically. Will your credit card not be charged just because you threw it away?".

Shin Mi Jung then put the meat in front of Lee Geun Young who was crying so that her suffering was a little distracted. He also continues to entertain and motivate his friend so that he can rise from adversity.

2. Go Soo Hwan always defends his best friend reliably

In one episode, Lee Geun Young refuses to give out personal information about Who Joon (Choi Tae Joon) in exchange for being accepted at a company. That way, he managed to maintain his integrity as a reporter.

Despite his refusal, rumors say that he accepted the offer much to Who Joon's anger. After hearing the rumors from Choi Hee Gun (Park Sung Il), Go Soo Hwan objected and turned to attack him.

Go Soo Hwan said, "Are you the type to talk from a celebrity's point of view? You say it's the truth and rumors are everywhere? But why don't I, his friend, know about this?".

Not Just About Romance, These 3 Moments of Friendship In 'So I Married An Anti-Fan' Make Viewers Stunned
Source: Soompi

3. Friendship is "broken" in front of Who Joon

Even though Shin Mi Jung and Go Soo Hwan are at the forefront of defending Lee Geun Young, that attitude changes drastically when Who Joon appears. The reason, they were fascinated by the good looks, kindness and popularity of the top star.

When Who Joon can't reach Lee Geun Young, he visits Shin Mi Jung's rooftop house to look for him. While waiting for Lee Geun Young, he invited them to have a small party.

Go Soo Hwan who was very drunk mentioned the big mistake that Lee Geun Young made to Who Joon. Shin Mi Jung also criticized Lee Geun Young while showing her concern for Who Joon. And of course, their opinion succeeded in making Lee Geun Young annoyed.

When Who Joon hugged Lee Geun Young, Go Soo Hwan and Shin Mi Jung loudly praised him as a generous world star. Viewers also couldn't help but laugh when they saw Who Joon, Go Soo Hwan and Shin Mi Jung toast, while Lee Geun Young looked lonely. (wk/eval)


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