
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Five songs of Super Junior's Kyuhyun which can be suitable to be heard on rainy days

February opens with moist days because of rain. Even Bekasi, that's typically hot, has turn out to be  cool currently.

Super Junior's Kyuhyun

To accompany your wet days, there are numerous music guidelines sung by means of Super Junior's Kyuhyun, who just became 33 the day prior to this. Maybe it fits into your playlist? Check out the listing of Kyuhyun's songs which are perfect for listening on wet days:

1. At Gwanghwamun

A obligatory music to concentrate to before beginning to pay attention to Kyuhyun's different songs. At Gwanghwamun is Kyuhyun's solo debut which become released beforehand of the wintry weather of 2014. This tune will warm up your bloodless wet days.

2. Moving On

As a vocalist in Super Junior, Kyuhyun is known as a singer who is intently associated with the ballad style. That's why even when his solo debut, the songs on his first album had been complete of mellow tracks.

In 2021, Kyuhyun returns with a track titled Moving On. The title translates without delay from Korean for this music to mean 'at the final day'. Coupled with its English title, this track is about letting move of a cherished one on their remaining day together. Ouch!

3. The Moment My Heart

Webtoon She is My Type is one of the maximum popular webtoon in South Korea for the duration of 2020. A row of K-Pop stars had been recruited to fill the soundtrack of this webtoon, one among that is Kyuhyun through the music The Moment My Heart. Kyuhyun's music also skyrocketed on the song chart.

4. One Confession

Opened with traditional orchestral song that continues to the piano solo, the song One Confession could be a tune that accompanies your alone on wet days. This song is the b-facet tune of Kyuhyun's solo debut album.

5. A Million Pieces

The tune, that is the mainstay music on Kyuhyun's second mini album entitled Fall, Once Again, has the same nuance as At Gwanghwamun. You can concentrate to those  songs over and over once more in case you definitely feel that unhappy.


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